Sign up for 2024 PwC Career Carnival and Get the Round-Trip Ticket to Tokyo

liyuwang Internships, Notices

Please complete the resume delivery one day before the career carnival-2024 PwC Recruitment Seminar. After participating all activities of the carnival, you may win the round-trip flight ticket to Tokyo.
Seminar Schedule
Taipei: September 16, 2023 (Saturday) afternoon (Sign up until September 13, 2023 12:00pm)
Taichung: September 23, 2023 (Saturday) afternoon (Sign up until September 20, 2023 12:00pm)
Please scan the Q-R code on the DM for signing up the seminar. The invitation e-mail will be sent to the address you registered two days before the seminar and please enter the seminar by the invitation e-mail.